BT Zebra II Nr. 2497830
by D. Sheldon - © Corbis. All Rights Reserved. - © D. Sheldon/F1 Online/Corbis
Close-up of eye of Burchell's zebra (Equus quagga quagga)
colour, colours, color,colors, coloured, colored, colouring,brown,number,1,animal body,animal eye,facing camera, looking at the camera, eye contact,part of, cropped, part, section, sectioned,front view, front, front views, head-on,close-up, close-ups, close up, close ups, close-up shot,detail, details,nobody,day,outdoor, outside, outdoor shots, outdoor shot, outdoors,vertical, vertical format,color, coloured, colored, colors, colours,photograph,pattern, patterns, patterned,stripe,quagga, Equus quagga,zebra,Perissodactyla,Vertebrate,hoofed animal,mammal,animal [(c) F1online, KEINE VEROEFFENTLICHUNG OHNE HONORAR Tel. 069/80069-0, , Bankverbindung: Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, BLZ 50050201, Kto-Nr. 139329]